Engineering, Generator Model Validation & Cybersecurity Consulting at GridSME**  
GridSME provides expert consulting in

Grid Integration -

New resource

Implementation Services

We help your team successfully navigate the New Resource Implementation Process (NRI) and connect your project to the grid.

NRI Process Management

CAISO Revenue Quality Metering

Coordinate Final Communication with CAISO & Utility

Complete All Required CAISO Regulatory Agreements

GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.
GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.
GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.
GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.


For any Participating Generators planning to deliver power to the CAISO, they will need to complete the New Resource Implementation (NRI) process to participate in the CAISO market. 

GridSME’s Engineering and Interconnection team offers a wide-range of services to help our clients successfully navigate the NRI process. These services are priced per Resource ID, which is a unique identifier each resource modeled in the CAISO market. The number of resource IDs is usually the number of Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) that are executed for the project.


Find the Solution for Your Facility

Our dedicated team of NRI experts have extensive experience in successfully navigating the NRI Process and supporting our clients’ in the following areas:

GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.

NRI Process Management

GridSME will manage the NRI process and procedures for your Project(s), which includes; assisting in obtaining or completing the necessary certifications, contracts, and forms
required for placement into the applicable CAISO Full Network Model database build for scheduling, metering, and settlement purposes.

GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.

Complete All Required CAISO Regulatory Agreements

GridSME shall assist and/or provide review and support to the Project’s main CAISO point of contact for the execution of the required CAISO regulatory agreements according to the Project type.

GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.

CAISO Revenue Quality Metering

GridSME will coordinate the certification of the CAISO revenue quality metering (GridSME will not certify the CAISO revenue meter; that will need to be one by a certified meter inspector and testing company).

GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.

RIG Testing Support

GridSME will provide the support needed for the Project’s RIG point-to-point testing and the connection of the Project’s CAISO revenue meters to the CAISO’s Meter Data Acquisition System (MDAS).

GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.

Coordinate Final Communication with CAISO & Utility

GridSME will prepare the final communications with the CAISO and the interconnected utility for initial synchronization as described by the CAISO’s Metering and Telemetry Business Practice Manual (BPMs) and other applicable BPMs and Operating Procedures for test energy.

GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.

Settlement Quality Meter Data (SQMD) Plan Support

GridSME shall assist and/or provide review and support to the Project on developing a Settlement Quality Meter Data (SQMD) plan, if required.

GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.

Provide Final SQMD


GridSME will assist and/or provide the final SQMD documentation as required by the CAISO and as described
by the CAISO’s Metering Business Practice Manual (BPMs) and Tariff sections, as applicable.

GridSME: Expert Consulting for Compliance, Metering & Grid Integration, Metering, RIG, Engineering, Interconnection.

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