If you’re still reading though the changes approved to NERC Standards EOP-011-2, IRO-010-4, and TOP-003-5 under
Project 2019-06 Cold Weather and planning for their implementation on April 1, 2023, bookmark your place and be advised that the next shoe has dropped at NERC in the effort to increase the Bulk Electric Systems (BES) resiliency during extreme cold weather conditions. Project 2107-07, Extreme Cold Weather Grid Operations, Preparedness, and Coordination was posted on Monday as a new Standards Development Project tasked with addressing the shortcomings noted by FERC in its approval of the Project 2019-06 first generation of cold weather standards approved this past summer.
The stated purpose of this new project is, “To enhance reliability of the BES through improved operations, preparedness, and coordination during extreme weather, as described by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), NERC, and Regional Entity Joint Staff Inquiry into the February 2021 Cold Weather Grid Operations.” The project page can be found HERE.
Standards Authorization Request (SAR) Issued and Open for Comment
The project team has issued a SAR, which opens a formal comment period through December 21, 2021, for industry to submit input on the proposed changes.
The SAR references the report and recommendations issued in response to the February 2021 cold weather event in Texas, as well as other similar grid events going back to the February 2011 event in the Southwest U.S.
There are nine (9) recommendations to be addressed in the development process to support the operation of the BES during cold weather conditions, with six (6) of those recommendations aimed directly at Generator Owners (GO) and Generator Operators (GOP).
Accompanying the SAR is an unofficial comment form where entities are asked to identify which Reliability Standards are appropriate to be updated to include the recommendations, as well as opine on alternatives or more cost-effective options to address the recommendations. Comments will be accepted through 8 p.m. Eastern on 12/21/21.
Entities with generating resources in Texas may want to pay special attention to this project and offer comments urging the drafting team to parallel as closely as possible the ERCOT Winter Weather Readiness Reporting requirements.
GridSME is available to work with entities interested in drafting and submitting comments, which will require registration within the NERC Standards Balloting and Commenting System (SBS).
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