Engineering, Generator Model Validation & Cybersecurity Consulting at GridSME**  
GridSME provides expert consulting in

Shannon Cheng

Principal Consultant

A woman wearing glasses and earrings is smiling in front of a wooden wall.

Shannon's career spans energy, infrastructure, transit, and housing: the pipes, wires, brick and mortar that underpin society. She’s previously worked on utility energy efficiency program design and implementation, in corporate strategy for a Fortune 250 engineering and construction company, and as a program manager overseeing utility facility relocations and transmission interconnection requirements for the California High-Speed Rail. Most recently she has focused on advocacy for and development of affordable housing for seniors.


Shannon holds a Bachelor degree from the University of Wyoming and a dual Masters in Energy Policy and Economics from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). She loves traveling the world (she’s lived in seven countries and visited over 30), as well as exploring the Bay Area. Shannon and her family are proud to call San Francisco home.

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