Engineering, Generator Model Validation & Cybersecurity Consulting at GridSME**  
GridSME provides expert consulting in

Jan Mitchell

Principal Consultant

A woman in a red shirt smiles for the camera

Jan Mitchell has four decades of experience in the Western U.S. electric utility industry, mostly at PacifiCorp, where she led communication efforts addressing a broad range of issues including regulation, transmission, generation, resource planning, crisis management, community outreach, and corporate transitions. Before joining GridSME on a part-time basis, she provided communications consulting at Peak Reliability. She enjoys the challenge of translating complex topics into more easily understood messages.

At GridSME, Jan is working with the Engineering team, providing technical writing and editorial services to projects that include the California investor-owned utility Transmission Project Review process. Based in Portland, Ore., she is also finishing up on a goal to visit all 50 states.

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